Safety Is Our Number One Priority Here At
No payment before delivery on
In order to avoid scams and reduce the rate of online fraud, we have decided to object any form of online payment before delivery. Make sure you see the product physically before you pay. Any payment made by the buyer to the seller before delivery will be done at the buyer’s risk.
Pickup/delivery Location
Make sure the location for the meet up is secured. Do not meet any buyer or seller in an enclosed area. Ensure that the meeting point for the product exchange is open and busy (eatery, restaurant, library, filling station etc) Avoid late-night deliveries or meetups.
Watch out for scammers
Please do a background check on any company selling you a product or offering you a job on We will also monitor the activities of registered sellers and buyers, for any malicious activity. Do not make any form of the initial deposit to any seller on Sellers should also double-check on buyers to ensure they are serious with payment for their goods or services.
Online payment via has no online payment medium that allows transaction exchange between buyers and sellers. The only online payment that is accepted on our website is a promotional offer, which is handled by our secure partner, Paystack. Be wary of any buyer or seller that pretend to be payment agents. You only make online payments on when you want to promote your Ads for more reach.
Found a Ads fake? Report it!
If you find an ad that you beleive is fake, help us and other Users by reporting it to us. Once you’ve reported it we’ll open up and investigation and take any appropriate action. You don’t have to do anything else!
Protecting financial information
On no occasion should any buyer or seller, provide debit card details to any user on this platform. Be very careful who you disclose personal information to on
We will not condone any form of fraudulent activity on our website.
This website has been made to grow businesses in Nigeria. Don’t abuse it.
Be wise.